Free Bookbinding Workshop























“bookbinding for beginners
Friday, 18th March
Bristol Central Library
11-4 (with lunch break)
Free (donation requested but not essential)
An afternoon workshop for adults teaching a simple clothbound hardback book technique with the Society of Designer Bookbinders’ Kate Holland.
Learn how to make a hardwearing and attractive book in the Central Library. Places are free but a voluntary donation towards the cost of materials would be welcomed.
Booking is essential. Please contact andrew.eason AT , 0117 903 7202 to book your place”

Instant Books!

I'm teaching a simple class in bookbinding for kids. Just a few quick, fun, simple little bindings. I do hope that some people can make it. I realise that Thursday afternoon isn't the ideal time for everyone. I didn't specifically plan it to come out that way! Anyway the people at the children's library have been super good about publicising it, so fingers crossed.