When is a book not a book?

I really loved these short films on YouTube for the detour exhibition of Moleskines. I know that the product-centred part of it isn’t an ideal way to organise an exhibition (though it’s a fine sketchbook, nevertheless), but I liked what I saw.
I like this way of showing the content of a book, though it’d be even better if it was a bit slower. It’s making me ponder yet further ways of showing my books online.
I wonder how many of the artists involved in this exhibition think of what they’ve done as an artist’s book, and how many don’t see any reason to think of such a thing, with this just being ‘something they did’ amongst the other areas of their practice. I can certainly see this example as an artists’ book. – note to self- IT WOULD BE INTERESTING TO TALK TO THEM ABOUs THIS!