
Aurie Jeffries, UK

(Image: Aurie Jefferies)

Melanie Bush and Dr Emma Powell curate We Love Your Books, an open-submission exhibition of artists’ books, every year. Each year has a theme, and this years is ‘[e]motive’, to which there have been many varied responses. They write:

[e]motive is the theme for the ‘we love your books’ 2010 experimental artists’ books exhibition, to be seen at artwork-mk, Milton Keynes from 28th
August to 24th September.

On show will be around 100 exciting and innovative artists responses, from the UK, USA, Canada, Italy, Mexico, Portugal and The United Arab Emirates. It is expected that selected books from the exhibition will
travel to other venues.

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23 Sandy Gallery: Book Arts Resources

Great list of links for bookart in the Pacific Northwest from 23 Sandy Gallery:

Portland is a great city for the arts in general, particularly book arts. Here is a list of schools, suppliers, organizations and other resources that support the book arts by offering inspiration, education, supplies, resources, and networking. The book arts community in our region has a vibrant history and welcomes new and established artists.

via 23sandygallery.blogspot.com

Something Unholy

I’ve been hacking about with the jParallax script available at webdev.stephband.info/parallax.html and pairing it up with jFlow (which I found over at http://net.tutsplus.com/articles/news/using-the-wonderful-jflow-plugin-screencast/). The first makes nice parallax effects in a window using layers that move relative to the mouse (my idea is to have a text layer in front with scenery moving behind more slowly, possibly illustrating the text as it moves along). The other is a slideshow advancer that moves the whole scene off and puts a new one in.

I’ve abused the jParallax so that the ‘landscape’ is far wider than the viewing window, so that there can be hidden text off to the right hand side that one finds only by travelling through. Having got to the end of that page one clicks into the next ‘scene’ by advancing the slide- which brings up the next parallax view. It’s still very crinky-cranky, and since I don’t actually have a clue what I’m doing the code is a mangled catastrophe. But it just about works, and I’m thinking that it’d be a nice project for a web-only work. When I’m less embarrassed about the way I’ve got it working I’ll repost with a link.

Call for Entries: Bodies of Text (Philadelphia)

Philadelphia Center for the Book has issued a call for entry for an interesting reinterpretation of selected artists' books. Fancy someone choreographing your bookwork? Read on:

Philadelphia Center for the Book invites entries of artist's books forBodies of Text, a series of performances and exhibitions tied to the book and its interdisciplinary interpretations. Running in conjunction with the 2011 Philadelphia International Festival of the Arts and its theme of Paris 1911, Bodies of Text is rooted in the idea of Art à la Rue, bringing Art to the Street in Philadelphia's Rive Gauche, West Philadelphia. Selected books will be interpreted by Philadelphia choreographers, culminating in a series of performances running from April to September 2011. Performances will be complemented by display of selected books. Submission of one to two artist's books, zines, altered books, one-of-a-kind or editioned, to be interpreted into dance performances, are due August 31. For details, download the complete call for entries, with Membership form: click here.


I’m trying out the new Dragon dictation software. In fact I’m writing this short blog with it. Today I hope to finish writing up the biographies of those artists I interviewed for my Ph.D. These are some small corrections I needed to make in order to finish.


Began work on a new book. The ideas have been kicking around for a while, but this new idea joins them together. Lots of work still to do to get the thing to gel, of course, but a beginning.



By leaves We Live 2010

Time for a quick reminder that the By Leaves we Live Book Fair is once again taking place at the Scottish Poetry Library in Edinburgh in September. From The SPL’s website:

By Leaves We Live 2010: A celebration of artists’ books and small presses

The annual one day fair at the Scottish Poetry Library. Browse a range of stalls and displays, and choose from events running throughout the day.
Saturday 25 September 2010, 11-6 pm.

The annual one day fair at the Scottish Poetry Library.

    * Stalls, displays and talks.
    * Drop in to browse or buy
    * Meet publishers, artists, editors, and poets from Scotland and beyond
    * Listen to talks artists’ books and publishing
    * Bookbinding workshops

For readers, writers, artists, designers, publishers – all welcome. All events are free.

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