Call for Entries: Bodies of Text (Philadelphia)

Philadelphia Center for the Book has issued a call for entry for an interesting reinterpretation of selected artists' books. Fancy someone choreographing your bookwork? Read on:

Philadelphia Center for the Book invites entries of artist's books forBodies of Text, a series of performances and exhibitions tied to the book and its interdisciplinary interpretations. Running in conjunction with the 2011 Philadelphia International Festival of the Arts and its theme of Paris 1911, Bodies of Text is rooted in the idea of Art à la Rue, bringing Art to the Street in Philadelphia's Rive Gauche, West Philadelphia. Selected books will be interpreted by Philadelphia choreographers, culminating in a series of performances running from April to September 2011. Performances will be complemented by display of selected books. Submission of one to two artist's books, zines, altered books, one-of-a-kind or editioned, to be interpreted into dance performances, are due August 31. For details, download the complete call for entries, with Membership form: click here.