By leaves We Live 2010

Time for a quick reminder that the By Leaves we Live Book Fair is once again taking place at the Scottish Poetry Library in Edinburgh in September. From The SPL’s website:

By Leaves We Live 2010: A celebration of artists’ books and small presses

The annual one day fair at the Scottish Poetry Library. Browse a range of stalls and displays, and choose from events running throughout the day.
Saturday 25 September 2010, 11-6 pm.

The annual one day fair at the Scottish Poetry Library.

    * Stalls, displays and talks.
    * Drop in to browse or buy
    * Meet publishers, artists, editors, and poets from Scotland and beyond
    * Listen to talks artists’ books and publishing
    * Bookbinding workshops

For readers, writers, artists, designers, publishers – all welcome. All events are free.

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