at Spike Island: grass & pockets

I was working at spike Island printmakers this morning to do some work on the slipcases for Turndust and help Irena Czapska and Anna Marrow out with a ‘binding solution’ for their artists’ book. I eventually settled on a pocket structure that recycled one of Irena’s old prints really successfully and worked really simply.

Irena helped me to print the grass motif on the slipcase fabric. I decided against the Tigris/Euphrates imagery on the reverse.






more and further stuff














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Castles in the trees

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Thinking through ways to use ‘castle’ imagery for ‘hidden fortress’. More storyboard material to follow.


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Hard Days from the album “Loney, Noir” by Loney Dear

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What I actually did today:

for Alex Itin’s the library group on flickr:

and I bound the first copy of Turndust.

More of the same tomorrow.

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printy day

It’s just after 9 and I’m working from home on my new book today. What this actually means is that I’ll be spending most of the day watching the paper I trimmed with some pains yesterday slowly feed into my inkjet printer, wringing my hands the while, and hoping that there will be no printings-upside-down, no sudden haemorrhages of magenta, no snagging of the precious paper.

Thus, I will combine the qualities of boredom and excitement through the day, as I watch the first copies of the new book emerge.

Several queries likewise emerge:

  • How can I render today less sedentary?
  • Isn’t there anything I could be doing while carrying out the (necessary) supervision?

As to the first, I think that will have to wait. I might get out to Leigh woods in the late afternoon.

For the second, I think I’ll try some brainstorming to evolve some workshop structures for the new ‘Bibliogroup’ class I’m developing for Spike Island.

Last night, looking through a book about practical creative writing i came across the most simple, most obvious structure form describing the writing process. It seems to apply likewise to artists’ books.

  • pre-writing
  • writing
  • re-writing

and echoes the things I dolled up with 10-cent words like ‘hermeneutic’ and ‘heuristic’ in a recent essay on artwork as research. This very simplicity has its pitfalls inasmuch as any stage in writing can be identified with all three at any point so that they are not so much chronological stages (though they are that, too) as they are contexts, casts of creative mind.

what this made me aware of was the place I’m at just now with Hidden Fortress. That of pre-writing. This is a ‘primordial soup’ sort of time. An important time. Sooner or later I will try to make sparks to start synthesising the material, but for now I’m trying simply to note and report back on the molecules’ random combination and recombination as I pile more and more material into the project.

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A slight coincidence over the last couple of days:

Firstly, Seb gave me and Andy this splendid periodic table shower curtain as a farewell gift-

Then I found that there is a new set of previously-unpublished stories by Primo Levi (of Periodic Table fame) available. Here’s a review.

Anyway, I’ve placed a reservation for the Levi book.

Could the periodic table be a treasure trail? Do aspects of matter constitute a ‘hidden fortress’?

Work today: printed the borders for the covers.

and trimmed a load of paper for printing tomorrow. Hard work, bent over sheets of Zerkall, but the guillotines I’ve got access to just don’t…well, cut it. Still, I got lots done, with short breaks for t’ai chi to stop my back from seizing up. (Seemed to work. I’ve found this paper-trimming a punishing task before).

Also visited Lindy, did a bit of garden helping.

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Holden’s Silence, originally uploaded by aesop.
…to unknown forests

for the stamps

work that informed the stamps.

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kurosawa’s fortress

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making the covers

making the covers for Turndust.

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