The Codex Foundation is producing the first biennial CODEX Book Fair and a Symposium entitled: The Fate of the Art, The Hand Printed Book in the 21st Century. The Book Fair and Symposium will take place February 12, 13, 14, & 15, 2007 on the campus of the University of California, Berkeley
This looks interesting, and I imagine a lot of crossover between the speakers (which include my PhD advisor, Sarah Bodman) and some of the other participants. The general character of it looks like it will overlap a good range of different approaches and ideas of book art. It’s really something that I should be at, but of course I can’t afford to go and the prospect of helping out/going along with Impact press is nonexistent (I didn’t, in fact, get to know about this from my advisors). The poetry-heavy listing of speakers leads me to think that this will be a symposium that will open up some meditation on the expressive qualities of book art (how could it not?) – about the continuum between the spoken or intoned intention, the written, printed, made, and the otherwise accessed. Well, that’s what I would’ve spoken about anyway. About intention living in different media, about ‘readership’ in those places. Can authors transfer the situation of the book elsewhere? What’s to transfer? What is the nature of this situation, the book?
Wish I was there.