
I’ve decided not to use Typepad’s own reading list plugin anymore, since I already use LibraryThing, which has more useful bits and pieces, and can generate an almost identical RSS feed which now appears to your left. Less successful has been my attempt at using my iScrobbler list to generate a list of recently-listened stuff. The feed updates rather sporadically and there’s the combined vagaries of iTunes, iScrobbler, LastFM and, finally FeedDigest to contend with. The only wonder is that anything gets through all that at all. I wish I could produce feed of individual sets in Flickr, too: that way I could use them as gallery pages. In fact, there’s an example of a lovely gallery system running off of Slideroll, which now allows you to drag and drop stuff straight from your Flickr account. One day soo, I hope Geoff, slideroll‘s creator, will make it possible to post the flash interface onto other pages.

Update: he has! Also, the Flickr import now includes sets. Good work Slideroll. Carry on!

2 thoughts on “blogbits

  1. Hi andrew — it’s been awhile since I commented or read your blog… been pretty busy and it looks like you have been, too. anyway, I read a few of your recent posts — and have to say thanks for the link to Library Things. I have a question that I can’t find the answer to on their website. How do you get the library things book “zeitgeist” or the list of books you’re reading (once you add them to your own bookshelf on library things (which I have done) .. how do you get it onto your blog? I can’t seem to figure that out. thanks. you can email me if you want to instead of answering here. maureenshaughnessy(at)
    take care, maureen

  2. p.s. slideroll is cool too – the slidshows and timelines seem elegant and easy to make. i just wouldn’t want to sign up for yet another account I have to pay for. sigh.

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