I’m looking at www.proboscis.org.uk today and thinking about how their work overlaps into some of the territories I’m interested in. Most of what they do depends on digital media at some point- except when it doesn’t. I just bought a pack of their landscape magnets and story cube templates to use in my Bibliogroup artists’ book collaborative project, but I’m thinking beyond that.
I’m intrigued with the way that their practice tantalizes my thesis’ grasp of book art. I’m looking at books as an inclusive matrix of different roles and legitimation contexts, something which isn’t so in evidence here where publishing seems to be more about experimentation and diffusion. I’m really intrigued by the problems that trying to describe their work with publishing and books throws up. It’s not, for me, about defining book art, but about coining descriptions for their role as it applies to books. I’m going to try to find out more about their work and eventually go and speak to them. I think it’ll form a counterpoint to my book-artist interviews to see some people who are ‘less loyal’ to books.
Technorati Tags: book, research, proboscis
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