image store

I’ve been looking for ways to produce an online image library for myself, and I think I’ve cracked it. I’m posting some instructions to myself, in case I forget how to do it at some point.

  • Collect image files.
  • Upload to Flickr.
  • Set each file as Private
  • go to each file’s page, view "all sizes" and get the file’s path.
  • you can use this path as an IMG SRC in a page kept in your password-protected directory on the website.
  • A private image collection, hosted jointly by "me" and
    flickr, only accessable via password for academic purposes. I design
    the pages (maybe rapidweaver for quickness) and flickr host the files.
    I still use my own bandwidth (?) but I don’t host the files on my
    server space
  • UPDATE- I decided to keep it on site and have been collecting with DevonThink.