Turndust #2
Still reading the Scarry book, Dreaming By The Book. The book-centric references seem to have dried up in favour of material that continues to examine narrative description and imagining in depth, but there are several interesting ideas in the book which I might be able to usefully meditate on. The most interesting things for me would have been material which was specifically concerned with how the book form marshalled the narrative. (Does it matter that the narrative is presented as a book? Does anything presentedas a book take on some of this meaning?
Scarry includes some hints about scale and tactility which are (or can be made relevant.
I woke up with a tune in my head this morning. Hummed it at Audacity. Doubtless it’s one of those dream things where fairydust turns to cobwebs in the cold light of day. Neil Gaiman says that dream logic is not story logic. I think the same is true for tunes.