The Past Inside the Present

This is what I mean.

“The past inside the present.”
a quotation from Boards of Canada: Music is Math

Some more cogitation on Whistling Copse as being at the centre of a number of different possibilities. The hidden fortress is not merely a stronghold but also a doorway. I’m thinking of Mythago wood again, I think. I haven’t made work about it since I was a teenager, but it seems to be interesting me again. Let’s describe it a different way. It’s a special context wherein our thoughts and unconscious imaginings take on physical form. It shouldn’t be too difficult to see the original fantasy setting recast from that into something a bit closer to the more widely-acceptable context of the social construction. Something entirely imaginary which impinges on the real because we, collectively, believe in it. (This encompasses our major social bonds and beliefs like money and marriage. They are real because we believe they are, and they and constructions like them exist at the pinnacle of causal force for us and our societies).

What Mythago Wood can do is allow these beliefs to take on form for the individual: the individual, in this context, takes the responsibility/unconscious responsibility, for generating the materials he or she encounters. It conjures up those moments where we are ‘running offline’ from the rest of society: we still carry those social structures in our heads, but it is up to us how we administer them when we are alone, in a dark wood. And perhaps, the wood is right there in the room with us.

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