homeresources→how-to pages

how to make books

Here are a selection of printable pages that you can use to learn some basic bookbinding techniques. Feel free to use them personally, or to use them for your own bookbinding classes.

Please do not sell them to others, nor charge anyone for their use. These instructions are created as free guides.

However, I would love to hear from you if you have had success using these guides. Please do get in touch with me.

All instructions are provided at your own risk, so mind your fingers when use sharp+pointy things and watch out for papercuts. It's probably a good idea not to cross the road whilst bookbinding, too.

teaching a class at Spike Print Studios in 2008

how-to pages

As you can see I've made these guides available in several formats for your convenience. The .jpgs come out of the compression better than the other formats, so I recommend printing from .jpg rather than the other formats, unless you have a good reason not to. Contact me if you need anything cleared up that's not clear on the handouts.

The guides below were produced for use with my classes, so they're intended to be used alongside practical instruction (and under supervision- please be careful with sharp things).

More soon!

Materials to help you make books are available from the suppliers listed in the links directory, under section 5.

homeresources→how-to pages

I have decided to speak from the book, the place of my making”

Helen Douglas