
links pages

There are currently 394 links on book arts topics over the sections linked on the right.

The links here may be referenced under more than one section, so you may see a gallery that also publishes linked to in both the "institutions" and "publishers" section, for example.

If you want me to link to you here, or if you think you should be in a different or additional category get in touch.

For ongoing information about book art events please refer to the book art calendar pages.

link of the month: Wild Pansy Press

Wild Pansy Press was established in 1995 by Chris Taylor and Adrian Rifkin: "Adrian has moved on but Chris was joined in 2008 by artist and Leeds colleague, Simon Lewandowski. WPP publishes artists' books, publications and multiples in collaboration with practising artists, galleries and institutions by providing advice and help on design, production and distribution."



I have decided to speak from the book, the place of my making”

Helen Douglas